2012 the coming of the new world order


Does some people have world domination on their agenda, or are all conspiracy theory made up? I don't have all the answers. Mankind throughout time have always tried to conquer and rule others, has that changed in the last 50 years, or has the way to try to conquer and rule others changed?

By Jens Selin  

Between you and me

El vacío/Empty

"Qué cansancio cuando el vacío se interpone entre el cuerpo y el sueño."
                                                                                  Por allí asciende el papalote de Blas de Otero

Happy birthday

A couple of weeks ago our friend and fellow artist Filomena Canadas invited us to the beach to celebrate her birthday. It was a fun day with good food and company, and at the end some dancing lessons. Thanks for a great day!

Photos by Jens Selin

The peace bringer

In December we had the visit from Jordi Bresolí a multi talented artist living in Lleida, Spain. Arriving directly from a Vipassana retreat with ten days of silent meditation, Jordi brought peace and harmony to Quinta. This series is from a trip along the Tagus river that we did. Explore the works of Jordi here.

Photographic series by Jens Selin

The principle of inner need

Beginning act waiting for the future  
Photograph by Francisca Ribeiro

For the last couple of weeks I feel stuck, like our water tube :), unable to finish the five different story images I've been working on. That makes me wonder that maybe this photograph might be the ending of a cycle and the beginning of a new series… When I see it I can still hear the melody Blue Spotted Tail Song from Fleet Foxes,

 "...Why in the night sky are the lights hung?
Why is the earth moving 'round the sun?
Floating in the vacuum with no purpose, not a one
Why in the night sky are the lights hung?...”

Marta P. Moreira

“I’m in love with the ephemeral, modular and portable architecture, the virtue of modern times, I see new habitat paradigms in a constant change I think our home should be more and more thought as something in a constant travel, in mutation, waiting for the unexpected and of a quotidian full of surprises, knowing distant worlds walking in our home. Allied to this I see architecture like something that shouldn’t abstain the eco-sustainability and its own recycling only so can it improve and reach high levels.”

 “Sou uma apaixonada por arquitectura efémera, modular e portátil, virtude dos novos tempos, vejo os novos paradigmas do habitat como que em constante mudança acho que a nossa casa deve ser cada vez mais pensada como algo em constante viagem, em mutação, à espera do inesperado e de um quotidiano cheio de surpresas, conhecer mundos longínquos caminhando na nossa casa.  Aliado a isto vejo a arquitectura como algo que não se deve abster da eco-sustentabilidade e da sua própria reciclagem só assim poderá melhorar e atingir níveis mais elevados.” 

Credits: project designed by Marta P. Moreira, photography and stop-motion video edition by Francisca Ribeiro, lettering by Luís Alçada, wood work by José Belchior, construction work by Marta P. Moreira, João Dias, José Belchior, António, Jens Selin, Luís ALçada and Rubén Santos, space Espaço Forúm.


Marta's project Bottle Wall was born last November from the necessity of expanding the art gallery space. To do so Marta came up with this very original and environmentally friendly project to recreate this outside space giving it recycled walls. It was amazing to see how it was possible to go from theory to reality and to feel the amazing energy of team work. The stop-motion video shows the building process and its conclusion with a painting from Marta. She’s a very talented artist and architect and maybe she’s the one you’ve been looking for to design your dream project…. 

Feel free to contact Marta