Number 47

Silver Blue series

This friendly Portuguese cow was marked with the number 47 and while doing the collage I wondered about the significance of this particular number and to my surprise a lot has been said about it, in all kinds of different subjects... 47 been the atomic number of silver does give a sweet taste of holiness to my silver cow and into the sacredness of animals*** 

...and for lovers of nature and animals, soon will come to light Honi mun's new collection, Animal Passion Honi mun ss2013 :) I can`t wait to see it!


  1. I have seen your photo and thought: wow, it is so beautiful! I should have told you to illustrate my Animal Passion collection ^_^

    1. No no no, I love your pink sheep and the moment felt perfect to talk about your new creations and share my curiosity :) que ganas de verlas *besos besos para los dos***
